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Exam preparation

This page provides an overview of an upcoming Inspera Digital Exam. The exam will take place on 2023-03-26 between 14:00 and 19:00 and will be graded according to the following scheme: 40% for a grade of 3, 60% for a grade of 4 and 80% for a grade of 5. In order to ensure a successful exam, this page provides several example questions related to topics such as multitier architecture project structure, backend and frontend programming, HTTP, REST APIs, JSON, CRUD operations, MySQL and relational databases.


Example questions

Earlier exams


  1. What benifits does a multitier architecture provide over a traditional single tier architecture?
  2. Describe the concepts of object-oriented programming
    • Classes
    • Objects
    • Inheritance
  3. Explain the purpose of an API and how it works within a web application
  4. What is the difference between web application and mobile application development?
  5. You are creating a web API for managing orders and the base URL for the API is
    • What should be the URI, method, and response for creating a new Order?
    • What is the URI, method, and response for obtaining an order with a specific Id?
    • What is the URI, method, and response for canceling an order?
  6. What is the purpose of JSON and how is it used in web development?
  7. Explain the role of GET, POST, PUT, and DELETE in the context of CRUD (Create, Read, Update, and Delete)?
  8. What is JavaScript and what is its role when developing for the web?
  9. Write MySQL code for creating a table of products with a product name and price, inserting a row, and selecting the row with the id 10.
  10. What is the purpose of an HTTP error code and what do different error codes indicate?

Exam 2023-03

  1. What is the primary benefits of using a multitier architecture?
  2. Describe the following concepts of relational database modelling
    • Relations
    • Tables
    • Primary keys
    • Foreign keys
  3. How does the HTTP response- and request cycle work on the internet?
  4. What is the difference between backend and frontend programming and server and client in web development?
  5. You're building a web API for managing Events and your base URL for the API is
    • What should be the URI, method, and response for creating a new Task?
    • What is the URI, method, and response for getting a task with a specific Id?
    • What is the URI, method, and response for removing a task?
  6. How is a REST URI constructed and what data does it contain?
  7. Explain the purpose and use of the four parts of CRUD (Create, Read, Update, and Delete)?
  8. What is PHP and what is its role when developing for the web?
  9. What is HTTP short for and what is the purpose of the request, response, header and body in HTTP?
  10. What is the purpose of an HTTP status code and what do different status codes indicate?