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Project Work

Send all questions to or contact me on one of the labs. I will gladly update and clarify anything in the project instructions and if I make any major changes I will also update you on Canvas. Good Luck!

This page contains instructions for the examination test Laboratory Work. It needs to be completed and presented orally to a teacher at a lab session before you pass the examination test.


0. Join a group on Canvas.

Create a github repo called groupX-tawk17-project-2023 and sync to all group members wamp/mamp folder, you need to invite me to this repo by the end of the project. My Github

1. Decide on a use case

Brainstorm possible use cases, discuss and decide on a use case of your choice.

2. Design the architecture

Create a multitier architecture design that includes multiple user account levels and two presentation layers.

3. Choose the technologies

Choose the technologies you will use for this project (e.g. HTML, CSS, JavaScript, PHP, MySQL, etc).

4. Set up the development environment

Install the necessary tools and set up the development environment.

5. Create the database

Create the database and the necessary tables for your use case.

6. Develop the frontend

Develop the frontend using the chosen technologies.

7. Develop the API

Develop the API using the chosen technologies.

8. Develop the data access layers

Develop the data access layers (MySQL and external API).

9. Test the application

Test the application to make sure it works correctly.

For grade 3

Create functionality for users to login and access (CRUD) their own data.

For grade 4

Document your code clearly in a in the root of tour project on Github. Instructions here

For grade 5

Allow logged in users to change and update their own information (password etc.) and create functionality for users to delete all their data from the application.

Submitting the assignment

Submit your assignment as a PDF file containing the following:

Example use case Employee time management

The deadline for the project and the individual assignment is 2023-06-11


The project work does not have to be complete for the presentation. If you have implemented the following parts of your project, you are ready to present it:

Prepare your presentation well. The presentation should include:

I would also like feedback about the course (lectures, labs, assignments, exercises and project) if you have any, good or bad, so I can improve if I do the same course next year.